I went left... He wasn't there... 10/10 would go left again
No, really, the visuals are cool, I'm not into visual novels, but I could get some laughs out of this one, good job!
I went left... He wasn't there... 10/10 would go left again
No, really, the visuals are cool, I'm not into visual novels, but I could get some laughs out of this one, good job!
Thanks! Some people are just in here for the Lols
Very good and fun, just a little too short, 3 stars for the game and 1 for the awesome music :D
I think you were aiming for the atmosphere and the emotional power in the game, great job with these things, music and art are also great. Still, in my opinion, you've missed some crucial points to make this game a 5 star:
1) Well, there's no gameplay... There is, but it's too simple and linear... Some people say that emotional games, and stuff like this don't need gameplay. But that's not true at all... Creating a good, non-linear (It doesn't need to be like Fallout, or anything with a bunch of interaction, changes and endings, all you need is to give the player some "freedom", to make the player feel in the control of the character) and suitable gameplay is CRUCIAL, to any game. The point and click ideia is good, the gameplay works fine, but it's too linear as the player can hardly explore the small ship, and with the objectives just at your face, it's not challenging or interesting to play. A good gameplay makes players feel empathy for their characters, because it makes them feel in the control of their character.
2)The story could be better... Now, don't get me wrong, the game was all about story, you did a good writing and all, but it doesn't appeal to me that much, and probably won't appeal to anyone else as much as it could, and if the person haven't experienced a situation where it found itself like the player, then the appeal and empathy is greatly reduced. You drove us to a constructed situation where we are lost and hope to find the reason, to find something to make us know ourselves, not as players, but as the character, we get the character feeling and we may feel it too, but not as we should, you're missing some backstory, the player reads what the character is feeling and some details of what happened, but the problem is that we, as a character, don't experience these things. It's not bad to leave this "mystery" about some of the backstory, but it should be compensated with the present, by "living" the characters present for a time, you present us the present and part of the past, but we didn't "live it', not enough (Again, this all could have been fixed in the gameplay). We don't feel that much empathy for the character as we could.
Still, it's a great game mate!
Well, I hope I've helped... Good lucky with your next projects!
The concept is really good and funny, the game is also good, it's a little glitchy and some improvement on the visual would be nice, but still, it's great!
Although I've got stuck in the scenario a couple of times, this game is still fucking great!
Well.... The game is not really bad, but... It's not fun... There's a story, a compelling story that is interesting, some music that make sense in the story, there's a gameplay, but it doesn't suits the game.... There's no real challenge.. and in a game with a story like this I was thinking I could actually do something, make a decision, help the innocents(the music also gave me this felling) but in the end, there's nothing I can do, in fact, I just walked through the entire game without killing anyone, didn't chance a thing ..... The linearity of the game combined with the fact that your character represents no change in the game world (either for good or for bad, because in the end it didn't matter if I murdered everyone or not, it's the same thing) and also the simple, repetitive and cliche gameplay makes this game really boring...
Name's Gabe. I'm a writer, musician and game designer.
Age 26, Male
Joined on 7/7/11